We offer people of all ages the opportunity for learning, companionship and fun. Run by volunteers, the u3a is informal, and there are no qualifications. Simply choose a group, or groups, that interest you and attend their regular meetings, making new friends along the way. Come along to hear our monthly speaker in the Grange Hall, or attend one of our social trips. We are a non-religious, non-political, social organisation. We have over 600 members from Radcliffe and surrounding areas. It’s only £20 a year to join and remember that there is no lower or upper age limit. Find out more here…
By the way, if there is not a group for you then why not form one yourself! We are always open to new ideas.

Our speaker this month is Kevin Powell. Kevin a local historian who has spoken at our u3a previously and specialises with talks featuring fascinating insights about Nottingham. His talk this month is entitled Shakespeare Street – from Muddy Track to the seat of Learning. No doubt we will hear how Nottingham acquired a Shakespeare St and how the civic buildings sited there have now evolved into Nottingham Trent University.
An interesting afternoon for all, so come along and join us and learn.
Grange Hall, Doors 2pm, Members:free, Visitors: £2 Tea, Coffee, biscuits.
Join 600+ members in 40+ Interest Groups
Amazing people enjoying a fantastic range of activities.

The Radcliffe U3A monthly meetings 2025
Our monthly meetings (usually 1st Thursday 2pm ) held at
Trips and Outings Christmas Meal Morley Hayes 2024
Once again we enjoyed a great day out arranged by
Click the icon to view our NewsSheet archive. For the next issue of our U3A monthly NewsSheet please send your news, articles and photos to our Editors via our contact form in the top menu, usually by 21st of each month, or as varied by the current NewsSheet.
Local U3A Discounts
Café Piano give 10% off lunches and dinners. U3A members get an additional discount on a 'Silver Screening' film at the Broadway Cinema in Nottingham? Just select U3A at checkout or present your card at the desk.
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It is really important that you advise us of changes, e.g. change of status, email address changes, address changes etc. Please advise any changes via our Contact Form (choose Membership from the drop-down list).